Welcome to FODS!


We are the fundraising committee for Davenham C of E Primary School with membership made up of parents and staff. Our aim is to enhance and enrich the children's educations by raising funds for school extras as per the aims stated in the constitution (e.g. interactive whiteboards in classrooms, whole school annual pantomime trip)  and creating a social atmosphere to be enjoyed by parents, children and the local community (e.g. Christmas Fair, Band in the Barn).

Click here to register for Easy Fundraising and help the school raise money every time you shop!


We have an open door policy so please do feel free to contact any members of FODS for further information on what FODS is all about, to share any fundraising ideas you may have or simply to get involved. All help is appreciated and very welcome.


Chairperson:                        Anne- Marie Marshall 

Vice Chairperson:                Laura Oakes 

Treasurers:                           Karla Driscoll

Secretary:                             Tara Slattery 


The Friends of Davenham Primary School Association (FODS) is registered charity number: 516996


FODS Constitution



1 Name

The name of the association shall be 'Friends of Davenham Primary School Association'.

2 Aims

The objectives of the association are to advance the education of the pupils of the school by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school (not normally provided by the Local Education Authority (LEA)) and as an ancillary thereto and in furtherance of this objective the association may:
(a) foster more extended relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school; and
(b) engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils attending.


All parents of children attending Davenham CE Primary School are entitled to become members. Those people who do not at the present time have children at the school but who have the interest and welfare of the school at heart may be admitted as members.

4 Committee

(a) The association shall be under the general management of a president - namely the head teacher of the school.
(b) The committee will comprise of the officers (chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary), four other members willing to serve and duly elected, and members of staff.
(c) The committee, apart from the head teacher and staff members, shall be elected annually.
(d) Committee meetings shall be held at least termly at such time and place that the committee shall direct.
(e) The committee shall have the power to co-opt members and to appoint sub-committees for any function the committee shall decide. Sub-committees must report their acts and proceedings fully and promptly back to the executive committee.
(f) The secretary shall call a meeting of the committee at the request in writing of any three members thereof, or as the chair and secretary deem necessary.
(g) All members present at a committee meeting shall have the power of a vote, except the president and chair, the latter only having a casting vote which shall be exercised in the event of a voting tie.

5 General Meetings

(a) The annual general meeting (AGM) of the association shall be held early in the autumn term after due notice has been given to all members. Decisions shall be by simple majority vote.
(b) The committee shall be elected at the AGM.



6 Accounts

(a) The treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall provide an update at the AGM, submitting completed accounts to the Charity Commission as required.
(b) The banking account shall be in the name of the association and withdrawals shall be made in the name of the association on the joint signature of any two of the named account signatories.
(c) One auditor shall be appointed by the committee and shall not be a member of the committee.
(d) The funds shall be devoted by the committee to such purposes as are provided in the aims of the association, with due reference to the wishes of the head teacher.

7 School curriculum

The association understands that any decision on the curriculum, teaching method or organisation in the school be entirely the responsibility of the head teacher.

8 Dissolution

Any assets remaining on dissolution of the association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall not be distributed amongst the members of the association but will be given to the school for the benefit of the children of the school in a manner which is exclusively charitable at law.


No alteration of the constitution may be made except at the AGM, or at an extraordinary general meeting called for this purpose. No alteration shall be made to the objects clause or dissolution clause which would cause the association to cease to be a charity at law.
Any change to the constitution may only be made by the friends in general meeting, notice of the proposed change having previously been communicated on the agenda of the meeting.

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