Year 1 and Year 2 Spring Topic - FOOTSTEPS

Date: 24th Jan 2017 @ 3:03pm

Welcome back everyone, we hope you have had a wonderful Christmas break.

Our topic for the spring term is called 'FOOTSTEPS'. Hopefully the children have brought home their topic web to share with you and we have attached it to this blog also. Our learning this term will be mostly about the Victorian era, we will be comparing and contrasting their ways of life with ours. Our key text is 'Winter's Child' by Angela McAllister. This is the story we will use in English. Our role play area is a winter palace with a secret door that leads the children into the front room of a Victorian house.

The children have made a wonderful start to the term and have been very busy already.  We shall try to up date the website weekly with photographs of learning.



25th Jan - Chinese New Year Day - the children can wear their own clothes and red clothes.

27th Jan - 2.30pm Mr Leeman's Family Service.

15th Feb - The statutory word spelling test for list 3.

17th Feb - 2.30pm Miss Phillips' Family Service.

9th March - Year 2 to Weaver Hall - Educational Visit - Victorian fancy dress.

10th March - Year 1 to Weaver Hall - Educational Visit - Victorian fancy dress.

THURSDAY 16th March - 2.15 - 3.15pm Year 1 and Year 2 come and join us - Maths fun!

17th March - 2.30pm Mr Jackson's Family Service.

21st March - Year 1 and Year 2 Parents Evening - more information to follow.

27th March - The statutory word spelling test for list 4.


Thank you for your continued support

The KS1 Team

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