Y1/2 "Away We Go" Summer Topic

Date: 24th Apr 2017 @ 2:07pm

Our summer topic is ... AWAY WE GO!

The chidlren will be learning about Africa.

Please see the topic web for a more detailed description of our learning this term.




Wednesday 3rd May: Mr Leeman's and Mr Jackson's Big Maths group parents eveining

Thursday 4th May: Miss Phillips' Big Maths group parents evening

*Remember to book with the maths teacher not the class teacher.

Wb 15th May: Year 2 SATs will take place this week

Monday 22nd May: Tattenhall - Year 1s / Year 2s need to be in old clothes and bring a packed lunch (Y2 staying over / Y1 back at 4.45pm)

Wb 5th June: Statutory word test List 5

Monday 12th June: Safari Topic Day - children come to school in "Holiday" fancy dress. THEN at 1.45pm - 2.15pm it will be the Y1/2 Parents'/Carers' Come and Join Us - parents' / carers' are asked to bring a picnic to this.



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