How to trap a dinosaur

Date: 5th Oct 2015 @ 3:58pm

Over the next 3 weeks in English the children will be learning all about instructions.

Today we have begun by learning a set of instructions off by heart. We have attached pictures of our story map (visual aids to help us remember the instructions) see if your child can tell you how to trap a dinosaur! Once the children know it they will use that as a model to write their own instructions.

We will be learning about the features of instructions such as ...

- How to title

- Numbers

- Time words (First, next, finally)

- Imperative verbs (Command words eg: cut, slice, peel, chop)


If you wanted to support your child with this at home, expose them to a range of instructions, read them together and try to follow them.

If anyone follows any instructions to bake a chocolate cake, feel free to share the end product! smiley

Miss Phillips, Mrs Whittle and Mrs Braham